Penny Burke's Showreel

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What makes Penny different in the world of speaking? She is an expert consultant who speaks. She works every day with commercial clients and government at all levels to identify the demographic characteristics and trends in the market, and blend it with insights on human behaviour to successfully change behaviour. Want to get more people transacting online? You need to change their behaviour. Want to get more people to vaccinate? You need to change their behaviour. Want to get your whole team motivated and heading in the right direction? You might need to change their behaviour!
Penny is compelling, witty and highly practical. As a researcher, Penny tailors content and delivers practical relevant content to every keynote or workshop she delivers. Penny’s sessions have the capacity to revolutionise workplaces. If you want your buyer, your people, or your team to do something different tomorrow than they did yesterday – then Penny is the speaker for you.


Penny it was wonderful to work with you. We have received nothing but positive feedback from your presentations and our delegates walked away with meaningful and useful information and tools that they could utilise in their business. Thank you for contributing to the great success of our event’

– Procter & Gamble Australia

Speaker Bio

Penny Burke

Penny started her life in advertising, working on famous and much-loved Australian advertising campaigns such as Pro Hart Stainmaster Carpet (‘Meester Hart, what a mess!’) and ‘Not Happy Jan’. Having successfully driven sales for many Australian brands Penny spent 15 years understanding what worked – and why. Knowing the demographics and statistics of the population is one thing – but understanding why and how to change their behaviour is another.
What makes Penny different in the world of speaking? She is an expert consultant who speaks. She works every day with commercial clients and government at all levels to successfully change behaviour. Want to get more people transacting online? You need to change their behaviour. Want to get more people to vaccinate? You need to change their behaviour. Want to get your whole team motivated and heading in the right direction? You might need to change their behaviour!
Penny is compelling, witty and highly practical. As a researcher, Penny tailors content and delivers practical relevant content to every keynote or workshop she delivers. Penny’s sessions have the capacity to revolutionise workplaces. If you want your buyer, your people, or your team to do something different tomorrow than they did yesterday – then Penny is the speaker for you.

Penny's Speaking Topics

1. Why condoms don't come in size small

Understand what really drives your customer & get more sales
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When selling your product or service, the logical thing is to sell what makes your product different or unique, right? Well yes – but FIRST you have to understand who you are selling to, and how they currently behave. And because people aren’t rational, it might just be that what you think is the best thing about your product – doesn’t actually float the boat of your customers.

In this keynote Penny unpacks the science of behaviour change theory and explains;

  • What the statistic and demographics tell us about the population
  • What behavioural science tells us about how people think and behave
  • Common myths and mistakes about changing behaviour
  • Tips and suggestions of what will work better

2. How to build your FAME

Stand up, stand out and WIN

FAME: The condition of being known or talked about by many people, especially on account of notable achievements.  

What are you famous for? How do you build fame in business? When Penny Burke talks about Fame it’s not in the celebrity context, it’s fame within the corporate world for individuals, leaders, companies and brands. 

In the world of marketing and advertising Penny Burke was a Director of Australia’s largest advertising agency and has been recognised by her peers as a member of the all-time best advertising agency ‘Dream Team’. In this role she helped create some of Australia’s most iconic brands and campaigns such as Pro Hart Stainmaster Carpet (“Meester Hart, what a mess!”), “Not Happy Jan” (Yellow Pages) and the randy milkman (“Milk. Legendary Stuff”).  How do you work out what you’re famous for? Whether it’s building FAME for your personal brand; building FAME for your product or service, or building FAME for your leaders, Penny shares the secrets of finding your FAME.  

  • How to work out what it is you are famous FOR
  • How to BUILD your fame to attract more customers
  • How to build your personal brand FAME and be a better leader
  • How to build a ‘lighthouse brand’ to attract more customers – and then build a long-term relationship with them

3. What Australia thinks,
How Australia behaves

The big trends affecting how Australians live, work and play

COVID has changed virtually every aspect of the sales channel – from sourcing and manufacturing, to getting it on the ‘shelf’ (virtual or physical). Perhaps the greatest area of change is connecting with customers in a changing marketplace. In this keynote, Penny unpacks the big trends that have come out of COVID that will affect your market, your industry and your employees. Penny tailors this keynote to your specific market or audience to help you identify:

  • How people’s shopping and buyer behaviour has changed
  • What people will be looking for to satisfy their needs in the future
  • What this will means for you – how your business can better connect with customers of the future.

4. Different tomorrow than yesterday

Don’t settle for what you’ve always had – you CAN change the status quo

Peter Drucker was right when he said ‘culture eats strategy for breakfast’ – but the real question is, how do you do it? And especially when your customers and workforce are more hybrid than ever before. If we want people to think or behave differently tomorrow than they did yesterday, then we need to understand how to engage them like never before. In this keynote Penny will share:

  • What the statistics and demographics tell us about how customers and workforce have changed
  • What people want from their workplaces – and how that has changed during COVID – and differs by age and stage of life!
  • How to inspire a workplace of inspiration and collaboration, even with remote and hybrid teams.

5. Do well, do good, do better

How the best brands are forging more meaningful relationships with their customers

The new shopper has never been so interested in the narrative of your brand. No longer content with satisficing, customers today demand transparency and understanding of what you stand for, what you believe in, and what you value. Any marketer that wants to grow needs to understand the new measuring stick – ensuring your brand lives up to your promise. In this keynote, Penny shares decades of experience with some of Australia’s best-known brands to help audiences discover:

  • The new currency – what people are really looking for in the future
  • How the thirst to do good starts, and opportunities to help your organisation do better
  • The playbook to building genuine and authentic relationships with your customer that they value as much as you
Penny thank you so much for making our conference in Shanghai one of the best we’ve had. We had outstanding feedback from our delegates, they found your session inspiring, engaging and funny – but they learned so much too! You really delivered an outstanding session that our members got such great value from – we’ll be booking you for a round Australia roadshow for next year too!

– Schwarzkopf


Penny Burke is a masterful workshop facilitator, having moderated literally hundreds of sessions, that extend the learnings from a keynote and help delegates and workshops participants embed implications into their own work practice or lives. As an experienced Non Executive Director (GAICD) of a number of commercial boards, Penny is uniquely placed to facilitate workshops with senior C-suite executive teams and boards, given she knows and faces the same issues professionally. Penny is equally adept with a room of 100 middle managers in workshops up to three hours, hot-seating individuals and tailoring content to suit each audience.

Feel free to get in contact – Penny is only too happy to work with you to design the optimal workshop session, from 2 hours to full day; from virtual to face-to-face, Penny will run a fast-paced, interactive workshop with actionable outcomes and learnings for all participants.

If you need a thoroughly experienced business consultant who can run workshops either to extend her keynote sessions, or as stand-alone topics on demographic trends, marketing, sales, behaviour change, or leadership, then Penny is an outstanding choice.

I participated in a workshop with Penny Burke and it was an invaluable experience. Not only did we all learn a lot about the process of how we can make our brand really shine, Penny’s skill at facilitation was outstanding. She was able to unite a range of CEOs who naturally came to the table with their own agenda behind one common purpose and future – this in itself was an amazing outcome. We came out with fantastic clarity, unity of purpose about our future direction, and a solid understanding of what our brand needs to achieve in the future. It was six years of effort achieved in one day!

– Diabetes Queensland

Speaker Resources

If you’re keen to learn more about having Penny speak at your event, download the speaker resources below:
